RichText to HTML!

  • Hallo Forum,

    ich suche eine Möglichkeit, ein Richtext Feld (z.B. Body) nach HTML zu rendern um diese HTML-Datei dann an ein Sub-System weitergeben zu können.

    Geht das mit Bordmitteln und falls ja, wie?

    Danke für Euer Input.


    Alles wird gut! :sunclaus:

  • Moin,

    weiss nicht aber warum nimmts du nicht
    Call notesDocument.ConvertToMIME( conversionType, options )

    Ich denke das macht genau das was du möchtest order?

  • Ich denke hurtz weg ist da schon ganz richtig. So mache ich es auch immer. Aber vielleicht hilft dir das weiter:

    Convert Notes Documents and Rich Text Fields to HTML
    January 11, 2004

    This database has a script library that describes a technique allowing you to get the contents of a regular Rich Text field as MIME/HTML, even if that field isn't set to store contents as MIME. There is also a function that will allow you to convert the contents of an entire Notes document as MIME/HTML using the same technique.

    This does not require any extra DLLs or special configurations. While it works with R5, you should really use ND6 or 6.5, because R5 has a bug that truncates large MIME parts like graphics. Also, the MIME/HTML that is produced is the same as the HTML that would be produced if you sent the rich text or document as an e-mail, which may be slightly different than the HTML that is produced if you rendered it on a web page using Domino (notably, some elements like buttons won't show up). See the database and code comments for more detail.