Domain Index

  • Hallo zusammen,

    folgendes Problem,
    auf einer unsere Webserver läuft zwar der Domain Indexer, aber er tut seine Arbeit nicht, d.h. man kann im Web nicht suchen.

    Folgendes hab ich schon probiert.
    Index gelöscht
    Catalog.nsf gelöscht neu erstellt
    Das Interwall auf 5 min gesetzt.

    Es ist so das der Task läuft, aber er erstellt beim löschen der oben genannten Sachen keinen neuen Index mehr.

    Hat einer Rat?

    Gruß Rodan

  • Hallo Rodan,

    überprüfe doch mal folgende Punkte:

    Creating a Domain Catalog Server:

    Specify an R5 server as your Domain Catalog server. This server will contain the Domain Catalog. Note, however, that the catalog exists on all R5 servers by default, as long as the NOTES.INI file contains the line "ServerTasksAt1=Catalog".

    You must have Domino R5 installed, and the design of the Domino Directory must be based on the R5 template.

    Enable "Domain Catalog" in the Server document/Server Tasks/Domain Catalog tab.

    Enable "Domain wide indexer" and set its schedule in the Server document/Server Tasks/Domain Indexer tab.

    Determining which databases are indexed:

    The Domain Indexer looks through the CATALOG.NSF for all databases that have "Include in multi-database indexing" enabled. You can enable this option either via the Design tab of the Database Properties or, using the Domino Administrator, by selecting the desired databases and selecting Tools, Multi-database Index. NOTE: To enable this option, you must have Manager access to the database.

    Determining which file systems are indexed:

    The Domain Index can also include file systems. To set up file-system indexing, use the File System document in the Domain Catalog to specify the file-system directories to include in the index.

    Deleting Domain Indexes:

    Remember to quit the DOMIDX task before deleting the index files. Otherwise, the newly created index will be corrupted.
    To delete the index, you must delete the FTDOMAIN.DI directory and the CATALOG.NSF database from the lotus\domino\data directory. When you restart the server or issue the command "restart server", Notes will rebuild the CATALOG.NSF. When the Domain Indexer task (DOMIDX) next runs, the FTDOMAIN.DI directory will be recreated, and the indices will begin to be rebuilt incrementally each time the task runs.

    Special Notes:

    Domain indexing automatically indexes file attachments in Domino databases. An enhancement request (SPR #GFLY4F4PRG) has been submitted to Lotus Quality Engineering requesting that the default be changed to NOT include attachments. There are currently no plans to address this in Notes/Domino R5; however, a fix is being investigated for the next major Notes/Domino release.

    If a Domain Catalog (CATALOG.NSF) does not exist, then the Catalog task will create the database from the CATALOG.NTF template.

    The Domain Index is stored in the FTDOMAIN.DI directory.

    HTML files are indexed through the file system.

    Since there is no Domino ACL for file systems, users can query the file system and receive index hits for documents to which they do not have access. They will not be able to open a document to which they do not have access, but they may be able to discern the contents by repeated queries.

    If you have eight or more Domino servers in your domain, it is recommended that you have a dedicated server for searching.

    The Domain Index can take a considerable amount of time to create, and its creation is resource intensive. As a result, it should not be deleted casually. When you build the initial Domain Index, it is important to free up as many resources on the Domain Search server as possible. Memory and CPU are taxed heavily during this process. By eliminating extraneous, unnecessary server tasks, you can increase the available resources for building the index.

    Dirk Huitema

    Zu sehen, was recht ist, und es gegen seine Einsicht nicht tun, ist Mangel an Mut. (Konfuzius)...

  • Ne leider keine Besserung. Das beste ist ja unsere ersten beiden Webserver läuft alles wunderbar. Nur der 3. Webserver läuft der Index seit Januar nicht mehr, was ich leider erst heute festgestellt habe

  • Hast du auch schon mal den Blechotto neu gestartet ??

    Denn ein reboot tut gut !

    Sonst fällt mir auch nix schlaues mehr ein. Werde mal durch die Knowledgebase wuseln.

    Dirk Huitema

    Zu sehen, was recht ist, und es gegen seine Einsicht nicht tun, ist Mangel an Mut. (Konfuzius)...

  • Jau hab ihn schon mehrmals gestarten. Die Knowledge-Base hat auch kein Treffer bewirkt. Ich dank dir erstmal für deine Bemühungen.

    Ich muß wohl den Server neu aufsetzen.

    Danke und Gruß