Platform Statsitic

  • Hallo zusammen,

    ich bin gerade im DominoAdministrator auf der Statistic Seite auf diesen Eintrag gestossen:

    Platform => LogicalDisk => 1 => PctUtil => Peak 4.744.43

    Kann mir jemand sagen, was dieser Eintrag zu bedeuten hat? Was heißt "Pct"? Percent? Was sagt diese Zahl aus? Ich google mir die Finger wund, finde aber keine Erklärung.

    Domino-Server ist 8.5.3FP2 auf Windows auf einem XenServer

    Danke und Grüße


  • The primary demand of Lotus Notes Traveler on the server disk subsystem is read and writes to its internal database which stores device sync state information. If the disk system cannot keep up with read and write requests, then the overall performance of the system can seriously degrade. Use the Domino platform statistics to review the Platform.LogicalDisk.1.AvgQueueLen statistic for the logical disk that is hosting Lotus Notes Traveler's data directory. This value represents the number of read or write requests that have been queued at the OS level. A long queue means that the disk is not able to keep up with demand and is a bottleneck for the system. If the disk utilization (Platform.LogicalDisk.1.PctUtil) on Windows server is close to N*100%, where N spindles make the logical volume assigned to Lotus Notes Traveler, and the queue length (Platform.LogicalDisk.1.AvgQueueLen) is greater than the number of disk spindles on this partition, then there is a disk bottleneck. For Linux server, if the disk utilization (Platform.LogicalDisk.1.PctUtil) is close to 100% on the logical volume assigned to Lotus Notes Traveler, and the queue length (Platform.LogicalDisk.1.AvgQueueLen) is greater than the number of disk spindles on this partition, then there is a disk bottleneck. In this case, consider replacing the disk with a high performance RAID configuration and/or faster physical disk systems.

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