
  • Beim Update von Schablonen mittels "LOAD CONVERT" werden einige Seite mit mit umgestellt, da hier das Feld "Keine Aktualisierung" angehakt ist (siehe Bild).

    Kann man die Aktualisierung erzwingen oder diese Felder per Script ausschalten?

  • Mit Ytria DesignPropEZ hättest Du ein (kommerzielles) Produkt, womit man dies bequem erledigen kann. Ansonsten wirst Du wahrscheinlich auf die C-Api zurückgreifen müssen, um dies in einem (Lotus-)Skript zu erledigen.

  • evtl. hilft dir das folgende addin:…69c300778667?OpenDocument


    nstructions for use:
    1. Copy NFOLDFIX.EXE into the Domino server program directory (e.g. c:\lotus\domino)
    2. While the Domino server is running, type

    load foldfix <template> <database>

    Additional Options:
    In place of a database, the FoldFix addin will accept a directory. For example, 'load foldfix mail50.ntf mail' will run the FoldFix task against all databases within the 'mail' directory.

    The purpose of this tool is to provide system administrators with a way to determine the potential impact of a database design upgrade. It will either update the design elements to preserve the elements which are absent in the specified template, or simply report back to the console which elements will be removed by a design refresh or replace or when Convert is used on the database.

    This is written specifically for Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000 platforms.

    The following options will modify the behavior of the FoldFix addin task:
    a - Update all design notes. This includes all design notes of the following classes (please see the Notes R5 API documentation for more detailed information regarding these note classes):
    NOTE_CLASS_VIEW (folders and views)
    NOTE_CLASS_FORM (forms, pages, images, et al)
    NOTE_CLASS_FILTER (agents, script libraries)
    NOTE_CLASS_FIELD (shared fields)
    f - Update design elements of type NOTE_CLASS_VIEW
    o - Update design elements of type NOTE_CLASS_FORM
    g - Update design elements of type NOTE_CLASS_FILTER
    s - Update design elements of type NOTE_CLASS_FIELD
    i - Ignore database template inheritance
    r - REPORT ONLY, do not update any element
    v - Run in VERBOSE mode
    x - Unmark the PRESERVE bit

    The syntax for these options is as follows:

    load foldfix <template> <database | directory> <options>

    1. Decompress the file
    2. Copy the executable into the Domino server program directory is the W32 file
    FoldFix_1.4.tar.Z is the AIX file


    Die Option "a" kombiniert mit "x" wäre dabei wohl für Dich interessant...