Wieviel Arbeitsspeicher kann ein Dominoserver verwalten

  • Hallo,

    wir haben partitionierte 6.5.5 Server auf SLES 8 im Einsatz. Pro Hardware sind 2 bis 3 Server installiert. Wie viel Arbeitsspeicher kann ein Dominoserver verwalten. Wir möchten nämlich unsere Server einwenig aufrüsten. Zur Zeit haben wir 2 GB RAM pro Hardware.

  • Hallo

    hier ein Link zu einem Redbook.

    Domino 7 Performance Tuning Best Practices to Get the Most Out of Your Domino Infrastructure

    Why is RAM important?
    Physical RAM is the place where assorted process and thread data is temporarily stored so
    that calculations and manipulations of that data by the CPU can occur. Effectively, this means
    that the more RAM a system has, the more temporary data can be held there for processing.
    What makes RAM important from a performance standpoint, is the fact that the amount of
    time it takes a processor to access the data from RAM is measured in nanoseconds, whereas
    hard drive speed is measured in milliseconds. This means that it may be thousands of times
    faster to access and manipulate the data from RAM than from the hard drive on a system.
    The operating system itself is responsible for determining when information should be placed
    into memory and when it should be committed back onto the disk. This process is generally
    referred to as paging, or swapping.
    How much RAM can be used?
    Different platforms have different limitations on the amount of RAM they can support directly.
    For instance, 32bit platforms, such as the x86 architecture, are only able to access 4GB
    (2^32-1) of physical RAM directly, while 64bit architectures, such as RS/6000 or SPARC are
    theoretically able to access 16 EB (2^64-1)MB.
    The amount of RAM available to a given process (including Domino) is further restricted by
    operating systems as well. Operating systems also have the ability to combine the physical
    RAM with additional hard drive space to create virtual memory. This virtual memory is
    actually where allocations of memory to processes occur. and it is up to the operating system
    to distribute the memory to the applications. More information on this area may be found later,
    under, “OS memory allocation” on page 52