Mailpolicies & Disclaimer

  • wir haben ver schiedene Standorte in Deutschland also habe ich organsiationsbezogene Mailpolicies eingestellt:

    für jede organisation (standort) habe ich verschiedene Richtlinien erstellt, die sich nur am Disclaimer unterscheiden.

    EMails von jedem Standort senden wir über einen HUB Server zum SMTP

    meine Fragen:

    muss ich für jeden Server ein Konfigurationsdokument haben wo der Message Disclaimer eingstellt ist oder nur am HUB (siehe Bild) ?

    weil wenn Standort 2 eMails rausschickt bekommt dieser auch den Disclaimer von Standort 1.
    was muss da auf Inherit oder Enforce Stellen in der Richtlinie !

    Mittlerweile weiss ich nicht mehr was ich wo umstellen soll.

    Danke euch vorab!

  • Lösung von IBM:

    "Domino 7.0.2 on Windows

    Register the following organizations and organizational units (or similar)

    Register the following users (or similar)
    Red User/Red/Org
    Blue User/Blue/Org

    Create 2 mail policy settings document to create the disclaimers
    Blue mail policy settings document with BLUE as the disclaimer text
    Red mail policy settings document with RED as the disclaimer text
    In both documents, disable the option for "Notes Client can add disclaimers"

    Create three policy documents
    */red/org with the red mail policy settings document
    */blue/org with the blue mail policy settings document

    Enable disclaimers from the configuration document and issue the following command at the console "tell adminp process mailpolicy".

    Now open the mailfile of Red User/Red/Org (I used webmail in the testing) and send a mail outbound to an internet address so that it will have
    a disclaimer added. Note the disclaimer added and what it should be. Repeat the same from the mailfile of Blue User/Blue/Org and again note
    the disclaimer text added.

    One of the two users will have an incorrect disclaimer. It appears that the most recently modified mail settings document will be added to all users
    regardless of their organizational location. I also found that the disclaimer was added to the user admin/org even though none was specified for
    Use explicit policies instead"